ecoCard is a universal method to use the ecoPayz account for cash withdrawals in ATMs or shopping
- the registration process is nice and easy;
- worldwide access via mobile application;
- the contactless feature.
Sign up to ecoPayz
In simple terms, ecoCard is a prepaid payment plastic card, which is linked to an ecoPayz account. This card allows you to withdraw cash almost anywhere, as long as there is an ATM machine in operation. Also, it can be used for all kinds of shopping, whereas the expiration period stands at two years. Importantly, ecoPayz only issues cards in accordance with the corresponding license, which has been strictly following the electronic money legislation.
Unbeatable advantages of ecoCard
- Fast, yet reliable issue process. No need for an existing bank account, nor credit history, during the course of ordering the card. The card is to be sent to the postal address in any EEA country.
- Issued in euros – it’s convenient and reliable. In case you may need to, you can order more than one card.
- Accessibility. Depositing is not an issue at all, as it is pretty easy. All you need to do is deposit your ecoPayz account by the means of the most convenient to you method. Though, money is spendable worldwide.
- Mobile app ecoPayz which allow to issue or cancel cards, totally controllable at the palm of your hand via your mobile device.
- Contactless payments are available, using the most up to date contactless payment technology, allowing to make a payment within the matter of seconds, without having to input PIN code (up to €150 per transaction), remains the security and protection levels at their highs.
How can you get an ecoCard
This card is available to all residents of 31 countries EU/EAA, which have already verified their account and obtained the Silver level or above. However, in case you have registered by the means of the Bettonus link, that is not a problem at all, because:
- You can walk through the verification process within 24 hours during workdays, without the need to make an initial payment and quite possibly, waving the selfie.
- Lifelong Gold level is to be granted as a present from Bettonus, right after the completion of verification process.
List of the countries, where the card is available
(please note that it may change):
Card ordering procedure
- Step 1. Account registration. Please follow the Bettonus link, so to get our free bonuses along with your new account. Please fill joining loyalty program form on this website (it is required). Verify your account in accordance with our instructions. In case you already have an account, please proceed to step 2 straight away.
- Step 2. Application process as to the issue of the card. Please proceed to the cards’ chapter and fill out the form. It will be sent out to you within a matter of a few days.
- Step 3. Activation of your new card. Once the card has been received by post, please do not forget to go into your account and activate it.
ecoCard Tariffs & Limits
You can find the detailed information on the page about ecoPayz fees. Limits may slightly vary in accordance with the level assigned to your account.
Attention please: citizens and residents of France and French territories are limited by the local legislation so the fees may differ.
So, why is it better to get your card together with Bettonus? Because it is rather convenient:
- your card limits will be much higher straightaway as all of our users get their Gold level immediately;
- the verification process is quicker and significantly easier because special conditions apply to all Bettonus users;
- at any stage, you can address any question to the technical Bettonus support via online chat at this website.
Go on, get yourself registered with ecoPayz, and order your card with Bettonus!